House As an Environmental Filter:
- House is at a nice temperature all year round becasue of good ventilation
- Uses Indoor and Outdoor spaces - brings them together
- Bedrooms western side of house - away from morning sun - hit by afternoon sun.
- Living areas, Kitchen dining, all on Eastern side to get morning sun.
House as a Container for Human Activities:
- Public and private spaces separated well - public right side, private left side.
- Bedrooms and Office positioned near bathroom
- Outdoor lving areas are located in a central part of the house.
House is a Delightful Experience:
- Good experience being in the outdoor room where you can see and observe the surrounding rooms.
- Design uses natural surroundings on the site to compliment the house - allows breezes to flow through the house and for natural light to illuminate.
- Architecture media. (2010) The Domestic Ideal. Accessed (March 2010).
- Jackson, D & Johnson, C. (2001) Australian Architecture Now. London: Thames & Hudson ltd.
- Donovan Hill. (2006). C House. Accessed (March 2010).
Tubac House - Rick Joy
Design Influence
- Lizard Lying on the desert sand.
- A desert canyon
- Dug Into Hillside
- Two Different modules connected by a courtyard
- Negative Edge - or infinity Pool
- From the road/a distance - rooves are only visible
- Designed simply - Straight Lines, Solid Materials.
- Oxidized Steel Exterior
- Stainless Steel
- Tranluscent Glass
- White Plaster
- Maple
- Polished black concrete floors
- Archipedia. (2010). Tubac House. Accessed (March 2010).
- Architectual Review Australia. (2009). Indesign: Interior Architecture Product. Accessed (march 2010)
- Architecture Media. (2010). The Domestic ideal. Accessed (march 2010).
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